
Biomag 2010 Application for Approval of Satellite Event Print E-mail

The organizers of Biomag2010 invite other parties to organize symposia, workshops, educational courses, company-organized workshops and other types of activities as Biomag 2010 satellite events.

Suggested dates are March 27 and March 28, 2010.

Deadline for application: November 15, 2009.

Approval by the Chair of the Scientific Program Committee is required. Please note that satellites are not sponsored by Biomag 2010. The organizers of the satellite events at the venue Rixos Libertas Hotel Congress Center and other Biomag2010 hotels in Dubrovnik can contact the LOC at sec_general@biomag2010.org to obtain the same conditions that have been contracted for Biomag2010. The Biomag 2010 registration fee will be waived for the contact organizer of the satellite event.

Companies organizing a workshop are charged a fee of € 5,000.

The organization and all costs incurred are under the full responsibility of the organizers of the satellite.

Satellite events will be advertised on the Biomag 2010 website by title, organizers, date, venue, short description and website.

Submit your proposal to Selma Supek, Chair of the Scientific Program Committee, by e-mail to chair@biomag2010.org with the following information:

  1. Name of sponsoring organization and/or names of the organizers
  2. Title of the satellite event
  3. Type of activity (course, seminar, workshop, etc.)
  4. Date(s)/time
  5. Location (hotel/city)
  6. Name and title of the contact person
  7. Telephone of the contact person
  8. E-mail address of the contact person
  9. Short description, topic and purpose (500 words)
  10. Preliminary program schedule
  11. Website address
  12. Target audience
  13. Estimated attendance
  14. Methods of promotion
  15. Registration fee?       Yes          No
    • Anticipated amount $
  16. Activity supported by commercial firm(s)?        Yes         No
    • If yes, give name(s) of firm(s)